More next steps – 3 pounds

Hearing and pounds

More resolution work…

1.  Focus on Spin.  Continue daily lap at dog park with 30 attempts at come on a leash wo other dogs.  Stopping each time the command is issued, and only continuing when he comes to get the treat.

day 1: spin 26/30 come on a leash not at dogpark with chicken treat.  petey 2 comes  (off leash) with other people, 1 come with a car, come from more than 20 feet.

day 2: petey 2/4 comes with another approaching unknown dog at the dogpark.  more comes with spin at the dogpark using beef stick as treat.

day 3: petey comes after a couple of tries with a somewhat more assertive dog at the dogpark.  reinforcing come with spin at the dogpark using beef stick as treat.

day 4: hike with young child.  (did not ask child to issue commands to dogs on leash,  but did practice come with Petey and an unknown dog in the forest).

day 5: petey and spin practice come at the dogpark with a longer leash (2 leashes put together).  30 repetitions with corned beef as a treat.  Spin gets it by now, but does not always redirect when an interesting smell comes up.

day 6: day off from training.

day 7: 27/30 comes on a double leash at the dog park with turkey bologna.  First attempt at trying come with the leash released.  VERRRY difficult!  After several attempts, I finally got my first success at 25 ft by tossing a little bit of bologna to 10 ft, and then holding another piece in my hand.

day 8: a training disaster at the dogpark.  made a 4 leash lead, and the dogs were overwhelmed by the other dogs there, especially at the entrance where Spin was inclined to run with that length of lead.  Had to shorten lead to one leash, and even then, after multiple failures with turkey bologna, it was difficult.  After a short period with no other dogs, I was able to gradually extend the lead to 4 leashes, and achieve “come” for 5 times at that distance.

day 9: a day off from training.  After trying to go in the dog park, spin became “deaf” and would not listen.  Turned around and left.

day 10: 21/30 successful comes with Spin on a quadruple lead.  Failure noted in the presence of other dogs or people, at the dog park entrance, and with strong smells.  Once it was clear that we were training, he settled in.  Petey had 3 successful comes in the presence of other big dogs and a couple with a baby stroller.

2. a. Continue with daily exercise.  Add 2 2- pound weights to arms during workout, and also sporadically for a few hours during the day.

b.  Inspect feet.  Get new shoes that fit.

c.  Use blood glucose meter before eating.

d. Wear my 1 kg weights on each arm during eating.  Modelling the fork movement as a 2 pound weight rotating on a 1.5 foot arm with my elbow as an arm, I calucate torque, and convert to calories to estimate that I lose about 1 calorie every time I move the fork if I wear the weights. 🙂  Of course, one also has to minimize the calories in the fork, too…

e.  Worry a little about teeth.  Brush upon awakening, and going to sleep.  Floss.  Worry about dogs’ teeth, taking off tartar.



5.  Next round of pictures of dogs.

6.  Harvest some seedlings that will otherwise not make it and put into containers.

7.  Write 3 sentences/day in the language on my blog.  Keep doing vocab.  Do exercises derived from website associated with “Realidades 2” Spanish textbook acquired at a garage sale.  It’s a good book for my level.  Practice the binyanim as I light the candles of the menorah.  Go through my letter and underline the verbs, find their translation using the on-line translator, and classify them in the binyanim.

work on this site for hitpael

day 1

a.  on-line fill in the blank exercises on adjective agreement, conjugation of ser, and nationalities.

b. flashcards on adjetivos y los verbos de la sala (13 words)

100% 130 points, 92% 119 points, 100% 113 points

c. diary

Hoy, viaje con mis dos perros a visitar mis padres. ellos viven a dos cien kilometros de donde yo in momento estoy.  Fue el cumpleanos de mi papa. Le di un libro que llamado “The Great Hunger” sobre la hambruna irlandesa.  Uno de mis dos hermanos fue tambien venido.   Fuimos a un restaurante.  Hablé con mi otro hermano y su familia por telefono.

day 2

a. 15/15 practice with regular verbs: tocar, usar, debir, leer, trabajar, estudiar, montar, correr, vivir, comer, debujar, escribar.  Unlike Hebrew where there are 7 different present tense regular conjugations, in Spanish there are only 3: ar, er, and ir.

b.  las fiestas flashcards (192: 100%, 192: 100%, 167: 95%)

c. diary

Hoy, llovio.  Fue muy agradable porque no tenemos lluvio despues mucho tiempo.  Fui a la tienda con mis padres y ellos me compran zapatos nuevos.  Esto era importante porque soy diabetica y tengo problemas con mis pies.  Los altos zapatos fueron demasiado pequenos y me duelen los pies.

day 3

a) review of school vocabulary (writing spanish words to translate english words with an open book: un asiento, un escritorio, la puerta, un sacapuntas, una silla, la tarea, un lapiz, una hoja de papel, dificil, facil, primera hora, segunda, tercera, cuarta, quinta, sexta, septima, octava, novena, decima hora…)

b) I found this list for various conjugations of the irregular verb ir.  I thought it was a good one, if extremely difficult for learning english grammar :-)! (289: 86% ,307: 83%, not yet ready for recall)

c) Hoy fue el primer dia de Januca.  Encendi las velas del candelabro y dije una oracion.  Otra vez, las lecciones fueron muy dificiles. No hay mucho tiempo antes del ano nuevo. 

day 4

a)  Working with present tense of tener, hacer, poner, and traer (10/15).

b) las celebraciones y las costombres (174:100%, 171:100%, 140:100%)

c) Hoy, fui con mis perros al este de Tejas.  Un nino y su abu estan enfermos.  El nino no tiene un fiebre pero tosia.  Fuimos a la biblioteca para leer y para buscar plantas medicinales en Internet.  Luego, caminamos en el bosque con los perros, y plantamos un arbol pequeno. Hemos visto muchos perros que necessitan un hogar para las fiestas.  Le dimos un poco de comida.

day 5

a) situation (dialog) reconstruction in the classroom, where a student has a dream that he is teaching his mother.


c) la pizzeria

Hoy, fui invitado a la pizzeria por mi hermano con sus ninos.  El más joven estaba cortando el césped cuando llegue.  Mi hermano permitió que el niño de más edad para conducir un poco.

Day 6

a) vocabulary practice (14/15, 15/15) (que hacen en la escuela?)


c) la nochebuena

Hoy, fui con mis padres al cine ver la pelicula “The Artist”.  Mi padre le gustaba la pelicula, pero mi madre no le gusto porque era muy triste.  La pelicula tiene un perro que era genial.  Él sabía muchos trucos.  El cine mudo comienza con una escena de tortura donde ellos están tratando de obligar a un hombre de hablar.  La pelicula se trata de un actor que no se puede ajustar a las películas de habla.  Ya no tiene trabajo. Termina con dos intentos de suicidio donde el hombre es rescatado por un perro.  El intercambio constante entre el hombre y el actor está muy bien desarrollado.

day 7


b) las verduras (507: 94%,  474:89%,)

c) la navidad

Fui a la casa de la hermana de una de mis dos cunadas para las vacaciones.  Fuimos veintiuna personas.  Cada uno traho un plato y todo el mundo alli bien comio.  El Marco, el sobrino de la anfitriona que fue criado por su tia, fue in Mexico y hizo nosotros llamado por telefono.  Me comi una ensalada de espinacas con remolacha, una cazuela de calabacin, judias verdes, berza, pure de patates, batatas, y spanakopitas.  Tambien intente queso azul, higos con miel, y para el desierto, una ensalada de frutas y uno champinon meringue.  Sin cenar esta noche.  Ahora, tengo que escribir una nota de agradecimiento.

day 8

day 9

day 10

8.   Measure the frequency spectrum of hearing of a couple of different people using the protocol outlined before.  Basically, setting the level, and then holding a finger in the distal ear, while listening for sounds.  Another finger is tapped every time a sound is heard, the sound gets progressively less intense by 3 dB each time, and the number of finger taps is recorded at each frequency level.

So, if one wanted to modify the spectrum so that the purple line approaches the green line, one looks to selectively amplify certain bands at different rates.  If one chooses 2-4 bands for amplification, one can design a couple of band-pass filters using passive elements with a low frequency cutoff, and a high frequency cutoff.  I guess the way to proceed is to use the difference between the green and the purple line, and try to determine the best ranges for the filters.

Realistically, I came up with 6 rational zones for selective amplification.  On a budget where everything can fail, I might selectively amplify zones 3 (300 Hz to 4500 Hz) and 4 (4500 Hz-8000 Hz).  The next step would be to average the differences within each of these zones, multiplying the average by 3 to obtain the number of dB of amplification desired on each of these filters.  I get 20 dB for zone 3, and 34 dB for zone 4.

So for the frequencies, calculating RC:

a) 300 Hz is 1/1884.  Need to find a resistor and capacitor whose product is 1/1884 (probably a little less to adjust for gradual cutoff).  For a 0.047 uF capacitor, one gets pretty close at 11KOhms (308 Hz).

b) 4500 Hz is 1/28260 Farad-ohms.  Using the same capacitor…one gets pretty close with 750 Ohms (4517 Hz).

c) 8000 Hz is 1/50240.  Again using the same capacitor…one gets close with 425 Ohms (7972 Hz).  A 400 Ohm resistor pushes one up to 8470 Hz.

Resistors come in standard values if one wants to minimize soldering (putting multiple resistors together).

Looking up standard capacitor values and types, ceramic should be fine in the voltage range.

So, the design is:

microphone -> amplifier 1 (to avoid signal loss from filters) -> split signal into multiple filters (2 or 3) ->amplify each filtered band as needed -> sum the signals (the node will do this by itself, but the most basic summer has an amplifier with several adjustable pots to adjust the relative gain of each signal at the input node)-> amplifier end with a potentiometer so that the overall volume can be adjusted externally with a screwdriver -> external on-off switch -> speaker

probably put pots on the amplifiers so that everything can be adjusted externally when hearing changes – like giving the hearing aid a tune-up.

This is what I came up with for a circuit design:

Made it to the local electronics part store.  Each component less than $2.  They had a wide array of quad amplifier chips: LM224, TL064, LM312H, LF347, LMC660CN, LM3401, MC3303P, LM3900, XR4212, RC4136, MC3404, UPC4084C, LM2902, LM2900, LT1014C, MC34084P as well as a couple of small 12.5mmx2.5mm battery holders BH2025 and CR1225 a sound condensor 34L3B, several trimpots with either top or front dials (I will probably go with front dials for final design although the top dials might be easier to test on a breadboard), and some different tactile or rocker or slide switches.  Most of the tactile switches are momentary.    A minitoggle switch 30-9184 , a miniature slide switch 30-9185. and a microrocker switch 30-872.  No small speaker (I guess the best thing to do is to take one from a phone headset or something, but should plug it into the computer and do the same hearing test with it plugged in so that frequency spectrum of speaker is measured and I am not worrying about amplifying/filtering frequencies that cannot be sensed by the speaker).

9.  Visit with each member of my family, family portraits or pictures.  Talk to in-laws, and nephews.

10.  Learn about diabetes, liver disease, and the immune system, specific organs are the stomach, the pancreas, the liver, and blood.

The Special Senses

Olfactory epithelium and olfactory receptors, Sagittal view level 2

Olfactory epithelium and olfactory receptors, Enlarged aspect of olfactory receptors level 2

The relationship of gustatory receptors in taste buds to tongue papillae, Dorsum of tongue showing location of paillae and taste zones level 2

Accessory structures of the eye, Sagittal view of eye and its accessory structures level 2

Accessory structures of the eye, Anterior view of the lacrimal apparatus level 2

Gross structure of the eyeball, Superior view of transverse section of right eyeball (Part 1) level 2

Gross structure of the eyeball, Superior view of transverse section of right eyeball (Part 2) level 2

Structure of rod and cone photoreceptors level 2

The Digestive System

Organs of the digestive system (Part 1) level 2

Organs of the digestive system (Part 2) level 2

Three-dimensional depiction of the various layers of the gastrointestinal tract level 2

Relationship of the peritoneal folds to each other and to organs of the digestive system, Sagittal section showing the peritoneal folds level 2

Structures of the mouth (oral cavity), Anterior view level 2

Major salivary glands, Location of salivary glands level 2

A typical tooth and surrounding structures, Sagittal section of a mandibular (lower) molar level 2

Dentitions and times of eruptions, Permanent (secondary) dentition level 2

External and internal view of the stomach, Anterior view of regions of the stomach level 2

Histology of the stomach, Layers of the stomach level 2

Relation of the pancreas to the liver, gallbladder, and duodenum, Anterior view level 2

Histology of a lobule, the functional unit of the liver, Portion of a liver lobule level 2

Anatomy of the small intestine  level 2

Anatomy of large intestine, Anterior view of large intestine showing principal subdivisions level 2

Anatomy of large intestine, Frontal section of anal canal level 2

Histology of the large intestine level 2


A lipoprotein

The Endocrine System

Location of many endocrine glands level 2

Hypothalamus and pituitary gland, and their blood supply level 2

Location, blood supply, and histology of the thyroid gland, Anterior view level 2

Location, blood supply, and histology of the parathyroid glands, Posterior view level 2

Location, blood supply, and histology of the adrenal (suprarenal) glands, Anterior view level 2

Location, blood supply, and histology of the pancreas level 2

The Cardiovascular System: The Blood

Origin, development, and structure of blood cells level 2

The Lymphatic System, Nonspecific Resistance to Disease, and Immunity

Components of the lymphatic system level 2

Lymphatic capillaries, Relationship of lymphatic capillaries to tissue cells and blood capillaries level 2

Lymphatic capillaries, Details of lymphatic capillary level 2

Routes for drainage of lymph from lymph trunks into thoracic and right lymphatic ducts, Overall anterior view level 2

Schematic diagram showing the relationship of the lymphatic system to the cadiovascular system  level 2

The Cellular Level of Organization

Generalized view of a body cell (level 2)

Plasma membrane depicting the fluid mosaic arrangement of lipids and proteins (level 2)

The Tissue Level of Organization

Cell junctions (level 2)

Surfaces of epithelial cells and the structure of the basement membrane (level 2)

The Respiratory System

Structures of the respiratory system (level 2)

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Anterolateral view of external portion of nose showing cartilaginous and bony framework (level 2)

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Sagittal section of the left side of the head and neck showing the location of respiratory structures (Part 1) (level 2)

Respiratory structures in the head and neck, Sagittal section of the left side of the head and neck showing the location of respiratory structures (Part 2) (level 2)

Pharynx, Sagittal section of the regions of the pharynx (level 2)

Larynx, Anterior View, Posterior View (level 2)

Larynx, Sagittal section (level 2)

Branching of airways from the trachea; the bronchial tree (level 2)

Surface anatomy of the lungs, Medial view (level 2)

Surface anatomy of the lungs, Lateral view (level 2)

Microscopic anatomy of a lobule of the lungs, Diagram of a portion of a lobule of the lung (level 2)

Structural components and function of an alveolus, Transverse section of an alveolus showing its cellular components (level 2)

diabetes type 1 and type 2

peptic ulcers

gastric bypass surgery

primary biliary cirrhosis

liver diseases

liver disease from alcoholism

gastric reflux or heartburn

liver disease in dogs

pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and other diseases of the pancreas

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